PIREP Review Wall
Flight Operations | UPSVAC © 2024

PIREP Rating

On the edge captain, we dont compromise on our safety, and efficiency! Watch it please

56 %


93 % $


98 %

Landing Smoothness


Alaska Air Contract

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2023-11-15T23:45:00.451Z - Flying Boeing 7370700C Alaska Cargo FREEWARE_(C)_TDS_16AUG2013_737C_CFM56-7B--EW2_+A3A00_+D50_+B0
2023-11-15T23:45:00.451Z - Now boarding
2023-11-15T23:45:25.144Z - Pushing back
2023-11-15T23:46:05.753Z - Engine 1 On
2023-11-15T23:46:31.346Z - Engine 2 On
2023-11-15T23:46:48.675Z - Flaps set to 3%
2023-11-15T23:47:07.766Z - Taxiing out
2023-11-15T23:53:50.633Z - Taking off
2023-11-15T23:54:07.628Z - Climbing at 145 kts, 10 degrees pitch, 0 degrees bank
2023-11-15T23:54:10.757Z - Gear lever raised
2023-11-15T23:54:12.805Z - Pitch exceeded 20 degrees nose up
2023-11-15T23:55:21.728Z - Bank exceeded 30 degrees
2023-11-16T00:08:22.664Z - Cruising at 28000 ft
2023-11-16T00:21:16.438Z - Descending with 84 nm to go
2023-11-16T00:26:37.891Z - Climbing at 319 kts, 2 degrees pitch, 0 degrees bank
2023-11-16T00:26:49.804Z - Descending with 54 nm to go
2023-11-16T00:32:01.512Z - Approach started at 7958 ft AGL with 31 nm to go
2023-11-16T00:42:21.824Z - Gear lever lowered
2023-11-16T00:42:52.503Z - On final at 983 ft with 3 nm to go at 135 kts, 1 degrees pitch, 2 degrees bank
2023-11-16T00:44:07.514Z - Touched down at -12 fpm, 1.0g, 125 kts, true heading 273, 2 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank, wind 240 at 3 kts
2023-11-16T00:44:27.739Z - Taxiing to gate, landed in 2270 ft
2023-11-16T00:48:26.593Z - Engine 1 Off
2023-11-16T00:48:29.694Z - Engine 2 Off