PIREP Review Wall
Flight Operations | UPSVAC © 2024

PIREP Rating

On the edge captain, we dont compromise on our safety, and efficiency! Watch it please

67 %


90 % $


77 %

Landing Smoothness



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2024-07-22T13:14:39.064Z - Flying A300-600RF PW UPS (Dirty)(N171UP)
2024-07-22T13:14:39.065Z - Now boarding
2024-07-22T13:23:27.390Z - Pushing back
2024-07-22T13:23:56.582Z - Engine 2 On
2024-07-22T13:25:09.980Z - Engine 1 On
2024-07-22T13:25:15.117Z - Flaps set to 4%
2024-07-22T13:27:05.981Z - Taxiing out
2024-07-22T13:31:29.940Z - Fuel increased to 11978
2024-07-22T13:33:11.026Z - Taking off
2024-07-22T13:33:37.631Z - Climbing at 170 kts, 7 degrees pitch, 3 degrees bank
2024-07-22T13:33:41.742Z - Gear lever raised
2024-07-22T13:50:36.399Z - Descending with 119 nm to go
2024-07-22T14:06:21.922Z - Approach started at 8647 ft AGL with 25 nm to go
2024-07-22T14:12:45.394Z - Gear lever lowered
2024-07-22T14:21:23.081Z - On final at 1592 ft with 14 nm to go at 128 kts, 1 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank
2024-07-22T14:22:53.377Z - Touched down at -180 fpm, 1.2g, 115 kts, true heading 306, 5 degrees pitch, -0 degrees bank, wind 185 at 0 kts
2024-07-22T14:23:31.406Z - Taxiing to gate, landed in 1165 ft
2024-07-22T14:24:45.320Z - Fuel increased to 6505
2024-07-22T14:25:20.249Z - Fuel increased to 6491
2024-07-22T14:27:51.472Z - Fuel increased to 6423
2024-07-22T14:28:24.400Z - Fuel increased to 6407
2024-07-22T14:28:31.092Z - Fuel increased to 6404
2024-07-22T14:28:56.346Z - Engine 1 Off
2024-07-22T14:28:57.382Z - Engine 2 Off